Wednesday 2 July 2008


The day on all accounts started really crappy the same crap at my work and the same feeling of wanting to quite if only I could afford it.
I spent my lunch at the café down the road ah Costa’s its bloody expensive but worth it. I was just sitting drinking my cappuccino and reading one of my romance novels when for some reason I looked up and ordering at the till was a guy. A guy who looked like he was straight out of an underwear magazine or a spots magazine, a magazine that has very hot guys modelling in it anyway. Our eyes caught and I smiled. I always smile its one of my traits, he smiled back. I really hoped he couldn’t read my mind for I was thinking, I wanted him chained to my bed covered in cream with me licking his torso and then making mad passionate love (what is it with me and poring stuff over guys?).

I went back to reading my book cursing the main girl getting fucked while shackled to a bed huh maybe that’s were the chained fantasy came from. Suddenly my train of thought was interrupted as a shadow fell over my book. The guy I was fantasising about was standing in front of me asking me what the book was about. I was not prepared at all. I was in my work clothes which are not flattering my hair pinned up and zero make up on and id just worked five hours straight.

FUCK thinking that I must look awful, I didn’t even look in a mirror before I left shit! I just sat staring at him wordless like an idiot he went to move I thought he was going to go but he took the seat opposite mine he was staying “FANTASTIC” but I still looked like crap so why?

I had nothing to lose so I asked why he would be interested in what I was reading. He replied I had a look of rapture on my face I blushed of course I couldn’t tell him why so I told him it was just a romance novel. From then on we just made small talk I don’t know why he was bothering with me, we talked about work but never said what our jobs were he was wearing casual jeans and a white shirt so I guessed maybe a bar tender. I looked at the clock and realised I had fifteen minutes to get back to my work so I excused myself and went to leave he stood up with me, we left together God he just screamed Sex, and his aftershave made me erotically dizzy.

We were walking through one of the alleys when suddenly he pushed me against the wall and started kissing me. It was hard, punishing and extremely erotic with his body pinning me to the wall he grabbed my hands that were around his neck and pined them above my head. If he pulled my trousers down and shagged me there and then I would have had no objections, instead he pulled away and stared at me with those penetrating eyes and asked what time I finished work.
Breathlessly I said “six” or “sex” Im not to sure so I said it again he then smiled and bent to whisper in my ear.
“I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you in the café and I know you wanted it too you dirty bitch”.
I just smiled at him it’s not in me to lie.
He then let my hands down and pulled away said to meet him outside Costa’s when I finish and he was gone. I was late for work as my legs were numb and without him pinning me to the wall I couldn’t stand and found myself slumped on the floor when I finally found strength to get up I ran to my work I had to work of all that sexual energy or Id be trying to have sex with my boss although that wouldn’t be such a bad thing except for it being frowned upon.

I threw myself in at work and got a lot done my colleagues wanted to know my secret I told them id just had really good caffeine fix.
Six o’clock came and I found myself walking to Costa’s. You would think I would be scared I mean I didn’t even know his name his job or what he planned but I felt excited I haven’t had sex since that blind date he is back in America now were still in touch.

So there I was waiting outside Costa’s ten past six waiting for a man that could be planning to kill me or fuck me I hoped it was the later.
Half six and it started to rain, great I didn’t have an umbrella as I was cursing the rain someone grabbed my hand and pulled me into the rain I screamed it was the guy from the cafe. After my brain registered that I started screaming at him.
"I’m going to get wet" he pulled me into him kissed me and said.
“That’s the whole point” and winked. After I finished work I changed into my jeans and a tank top not the clothes for rain so I got very wet my hair, bag, shoes my top which became see-through oh the fun. But it was! It reminded me of when I was a kid and you craved the rain it might not have been the kind of wet I wanted to be but it was fun another kind of fun. We jumped and kicked in puddles till we were exhausted and laughing I pushed him in a puddle then the rain started to stop. I helped him up and then he pulled me down an ally. I got wet just remembering what we had done less than five hours ago I was officially wet all over. But instead of pinning me to the wall again he kept walking still looking forward he said. “Sorry gorgeous but we need to get out of these clothes and not just because there wet.

He took me to his flat told me not to sit down anywhere and went away to get towels and turn the shower on. He came back with two towels and handed me one then took my hand and brought me into the bathroom. He started to peel my clothes off me. His hands on my skin gave me shivers, his fingers were soft when I snapped out of it, I was naked and him fully clothed he stepped aside and opened the shower door and motioned me to go in. When I stepped I realised it was like the TARDIS from Doctor Who bigger on the inside, when I reached the shower head the hot water was so welcome and then suddenly I had a naked guy behind but I wasn’t complaining.

He squished some shower gel into his hands and started massaging it into my back and shoulders it smelt of him. He started to wash lower then he turned me around to face him and started washing my breasts then my stomach then his hand slipped inside me, I climaxed there and then it was sudden and extraordinary it shook me to the core. I looked up at him and he smiled when my orgasm subsided I raised my hand to his dick he was so hard and BIG! I knew what I wanted to do with it so I bent down and started licking the tip then the whole length, I took him in my mouth he was shuddering and growing bigger and was close to climaxing, he grabbed my shoulders suddenly.
“This is gona be over fast if you keep doing that” he said breathlessly. We started kissing then I was in the same position as the ally back pined to the wall his body pinning me and my hands pined above my head but this time there was no clothes and only one thing left to do. He penetrated me and waited for my body to adjust to his length Fuck me he was big I can still feel him. It didn’t take us long to climax after the shower we retired to his bed.

When I woke I checked my texts I had two missed calls and a text God how long was I with… that was when I realised I still didn’t know his name what I had just done finally registered.
“I have to get out of here” I said to myself. When I found all my clothes and bag I left without looking back.

1 comment:

FawnHeart said...

no no! This is definitely my favourite story! I've never seen the attraction in stranger fantasies until reading your stories. This was especially good though, I love things with a touch of humour and your 'voice' really came through here haha. I loved it!